Product releases

The following product release is planned for May 17th, 2024

  • Feature
Learning journey 


AO Platform now have the feature “Learning journey”.

The feature provides the possibility to connect several activities/courses into one learning journey. You will be able to develop and offer course “Packages” to your members/customers and employees. This will gives the participant a much better overview over their activities. The administrators will also be able to follow the progression of their participants in a better way. For courses that are free and e-learning the user will also only need to be registered once and that make the registration prosses and interface much more smooth. You will also be able to offer more complex learning. 

If you are interested in the feature please contact Already On for details. 


  • Feature
Showing company specific information on company contact card in the administrator

Now “Main contact information” for companies are available in the administrator.   

  • Hovedkontakt  
  • Hovedkontakt e-post 
  • Hovedkontakt mobilnummer 


Admin only needs to select a person as “Hovedkontakt” and then “Hovedkontakt e-post” and “Hovedkontakt mobilnummer” will automatically be filled out with corresponding data. 

  • Feature
Updated person card in the administrator


As an administrator you will now be able to see a person’s course history in the administrator page. Only users with both course administrator and person administrator rights will be able to see the menu item “Course history” on a person card. This tab takes the administrator to a filtered list of courses. The list is filtered with the persons ID so you can only see courses that the person has a connection/status on. This list only includes courses that the person is registered to, have attended or are on waiting list for.  

This is also limited to your user rights. (You can only see courses in the list that you have access to). 

 Here it will show “Finished“ courses where participant has “Finished“ or “Approved“ status. It will also show “Published“ courses where participant has:  

  • signed up 
  • waiting for approval 
  • waiting list 
  • attended 
  • Feature
Course page. Advanced report – number of participants registered, total, total places 


Course admins now can take out an advanced report from the course list view. 


 The fields that should be possible to choose to export: 


  • Course name/navn 
  • Start date/startdato 
  • End date/sluttdato 
  • Amount registered/Registrert 
  • Approved/Godkjent 
  • Invoiced/fakturert 
  • Spaces/Antall plasser 
  • Category/Intern kategori 
  • Status 
  • Type of activity/Aktivitets type (paid/free) 
  • State/Tilstand – (Active/archived) 
  • Feature
Change invoice date when course date change 


As a course administrator, when you update the course date then the date for automatic invoicing (when course have invoicing) will change accordingly. 


There is a template with a course that has the course date 01.01.2027 and invoice date 15.01.2027. 

As a course administrator you can copy this course and change the course date to 01.07.2024. Then the invoice date will automatically change to 15.07.2024. (according to that organisations automatic invoicing date rule – database setting). 

The date will only change if the course date is in the future and if it is the last date on the course that is changed (the one influencing invoicing). 

There is also an information message when you change effect the invoice date.  

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  • Feature
My Consents (Mine Samtykker)

As part of our commitment to GDPR compliance, we identified an opportunity to improve user access to consents.

You will now find a new main menu item, “My Consents”, placed as the last item on your “My Page.”
Upon clicking, you’ll discover the consent information previously placed under “My Profile.”

This dedicated menu item streamlines access, making it easier for you to manage and review your consents.

We believe this enhancement will contribute to a more user-friendly and GDPR-compliant experience for everyone.

  • Feature
Mandatory reference field for paid courses

We’d like to inform you of a recent enhancement to our course registration process tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs.

The “Reference/Referanse” field is now marked with an asterisk (*) and is a mandatory field for course participants registering for payable courses within your organization. This ensures that all invoices are processed smoothly, providing clarity and reducing queries from invoice recipients.

Important note: This change is specific to paid courses within your organization.

This feature can be easily turned on or off for individual organizations, so please contact us at, and we will gladly help you with setting up this change.


  • Feature
Course Statistic role and enhanced statistics page

We’re excited to introduce a new feature to enhance your experience on AO Platform.

This update includes the “Course Statistic” role and an improved statistics page. So, now users with the “Course Statisitc” role can access course information without viewing specific participant details, ensuring GDPR compliance and protecting personal data. These users will only have access to registration fields and basic statistics.

“Course Statistic” role has two possible scenarios:

  • System Administrator: 
    Can assign the “Course Statistic” role to individuals on a specific level.
  • Course Admin:
    Can assign the “Course Statistic” role to individuals on a per-course basis.

Accessing Statistics:

  • Individuals with the “Course Statistic” role can access the course list and view detailed statistics by clicking on the statistic icon under “Settings/Handlinger.”
  • Users with any course user rights can also access statistics by clicking on the statistic icon, conveniently placed next to other icons.

Statistic Page Overview:

The course statistics page is visible for published, unpublished, finished, and cancelled courses (excluding draft courses).

What is displayed on the Statistics page:

  • Course Name
  • Course Status
  • Course ID
  • Approved Participants
  • Registered Participants
  • Waiting List
  • Maximum Number of Participants

Additional Boxes:

  1. Companies:
    • Lists companies for participants who choose the “Company Pays” option, sorted alphabetically.
  2. I Pay:
    • Displays the total number of participants who have chosen to pay for themselves.
  3. Manual Registration Fields:
    • Lists all extra questions for participant registration, including options for radio buttons or checkboxes (showing the number of answers per option) and short/long text questions (clickable for detailed answers in a new window, which are not grouped).

Important Note: The “I Pay” box is only displayed when there are participants who have chosen to pay for themselves.

We believe these enhancements will provide a more tailored and efficient experience for you.

  • Feature
ELMA register validation for EHF payment method

Our system has some essential changes, particularly regarding payment methods for courses.

Some of our organizations create courses exclusively for individuals working in governmental companies. These companies only accept invoices in EHF format, and only ELMA-registered companies can be designated payers. To align with this requirement, we’ve made vital adjustments in AO to ensure a seamless and compliant payment process.

Changes in AO:

  1. Revised Payment Method Selection:
    • The choice of payment method now precedes the selection of the company.
  2. Organization-Defined Payment Options:
    • Organizations can define payment options during the course registration, such as “Me” or “Company”.
    • If an organization has only one payment option (e.g. only “Company Pays” which is the default), the choice is not presented to the course participant.
  3. Single Payment Method Visibility:
    • If only one payment method is set for the organization (e.g., EHF for the company), it is not displayed to the course participant. This applies to both cards/invoices.
  4. ELMA Registration Validation:
    • If the payment method is set to EHF for the company, participants can only select companies listed in the ELMA register. Note: Applicable only for those organizations where this setting is on; others can still choose any company.
  5. Search Functionality:
    • When the payment method is EHF, participants and admins can search and find companies using the “Organization Nr.”. For non-EHF payment methods, searching can be done by name or “Org Nr.”

These updates are designed to enhance the efficiency and compliance of the payment process for courses.

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