Choo i Skyen November 29, 2019
- Feature
Once admin creates questions for the course, sets up the questions with the “radio” type, he/she is able to track how many participants have agreed to each option.
Here are a couple of examples of how this form behaves:
- Feature
Previously, to change the status of participants on the Course tab, an admin could select only 10 participants per iteration what makes this process inconvenient and time-consuming.
Taking into account the feedback that it takes too long to mark all participants at an event as “participated”, the limit has been changed. Currently, an admin can select 100 people registered to the course at once and change their status.
- Feature
A year of the course is added to its description. Now a person is able to differentiate courses over the years.
- Feature
With the growth of the entities’ number in the system, especially members and invoices, the requests to the database became far larger and heavier. This made a way more difficult for the system to generate reports for a large number of entities. Moreover, once a big report containing information of thousands of members, has been generated, sometimes it used to overload the system and lead to error 500.
All in all, we’ve analyzed the requests to the database and made the refactoring of the reports generation process for members and invoices.
Previously, requests to the database were made for each entity separately so when a report has been generated, 1 request per each member and invoice has been created and thus it overloads the system.
Currently, instead of creating hundreds of requests, the system makes a bulk request to the database for all the entities at once, which significantly reduces the system load and allows us to generate reports for thousands of entities.
- Feature
In accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Act, the system will clean up all related data for the invoices that have been issued more than 5 years ago. Each year, on Jan 1 Choo i Skyen will check up if there are any invoices that have been generated more than 5 years ago, and delete them, including all related data.
NB: this change means that product statistics will keep showing statistics over the last 5 years only.
- Feature
When a member changes his/her address on ‘Min side’, sometimes he/she also wants to become a member of a new local/county team. In this case, the person needs to ask one of the admins to do this update on behalf of him/her. Thus, we have added a reminder with a short instruction that is displayed once a member changes and saves a new address on ‘Min side’.
This is on/off feature. In case you’d like to have this functionality to be turned on for you, please inform our support.
- Feature
This release has been dedicated to updating the way of how the system works with credit notes. The updated version of credit notes logic has been shared to all customers for discussion. After getting approval from your side, the new solution is launched in accordance with the requirements described inside the initial document with minor updates.
Briefly saying, the main points of a new solution are the following:
Please inform our support in case you’d like to receive a detailed presentation regarding credit notes changes.
NB: old credit notes stay without any changes. Due to the fact of the logic updates, all reports will be up and running for the new credit notes only (meaning those that will be issued after release launching).
- Feature
Now people having read or write access to a level are able to print out labels for all people inside the team. All together with this change, the ID of a member has been removed from a label card.
- Feature
Now admin is able to get more information about members’ subscriptions using the extended report on members’ overview. The following columns have been added for covering this need:
In case one member has several subscriptions, their data is shown in a corresponding data separated by a comma.
- Bug fix
Due to the old bug existed in the system, there were a few gaps in invoice series for several clients.
The bug has been fixed, and for all gaps, a few invoices for 1 NOK have been generated and credited.
- Bug fix
In some cases, users have been able to get registered twice to a course. The bug has been fixed.
- Bug fix
When navigating on Participant-tab the default list of participants shows up 20 participants per page by default. Even when the number was changed to 250, the system was showing 20 every time the page was refreshed due to changes or new sorting. This behavior has been changed.
- Bug fix
During the set up of subscription products, the admin was able to see a part of project codes existed, without any sorting. Now the bug is changed so that you can see the full list of codes, sorted.
- Bug fix
The bug is fixed, and now you can export all the answers of course participants.
- Bug fix
The same error happened once a filter has been applied. Now both bugs are fixed.
- Bug fix
In Back Office, the paid sum was doubled for credited invoices on the list of invoices of a particular member. Now the bug is fixed.