Choo i Skyen July 27, 2018
- Feature
Each organization in CiS can have up to 10 different invoice issuers with separated payment information. New issuer to the organization can be added only by the onboarding process. Issuer payment details cannot be edited from back-end.
Every invoice, generated in the system, has to be assigned to an issuer. Administrator has to select an issuer during creating new subscription, invoice, and course in the system. If the organization has only one issuer – it will be selected automatically.
All existent in the system subscriptions/invoices/courses have been assigned to the current issuer.
- Feature
Administrator can generate Financial report for the issuer from back-end payments list. In the report all payments, generated in selected period, will be shown. Total sums of all payments (with and without MVA), grouped by payment division, account and all MVA categories are shown.
- Feature
Super administrator can add/edit/remove labels list for companies on the separated page in back-end Settings (“Relations” category). Administrator can assign/remove labels to each company on back-end company contact card. Assigned labels will be shown on front-end company contact card in Read-only mode. Administrator can filter companies list by label name. Labels option is also added to back-end companies extended report.
- Feature
You can add a field with this type to the member contact card on back-end and/or My page. A user can upload a file up to 8Mb size.
- Bug fix
When export report on back-end payments list then Payment date, Payment sum, Payment division and Account information was missed.
- Bug fix
Correct translations of some field labels.
- Bug fix
Correct some issues with My page responsive design.
- Bug fix
Sometimes added to left filter categories have not been applied to the list. Because of this administrator could add a subscription or generate an invoice to not correct recipients list.
- Bug fix
Company level type can be hidden from front-end registration wizard in each subscription settings in back-end.
- Bug fix
Any nested level type can be hiddethe from a main level type on front-end registration wizard when it’s turned off for the organization. Level types can be hidden from registration wizard via onboarding procedure.